SizeGenetics vs Phallosan Forte: Which Is the Best Penis Extender? Apr 9th, 2020   [viewed 74 times]

The main thing we men seek in penis enlargement pills are the extraordinary performance and energy levels. These kinds of male enhancement pills come with a little bit of size augmentation.

There are some male enhancement pills that act as penis enlargement supplements as well.

Some penis enlargement pills come with costly price while others can be potentially dangerous. Considering the side effects can be disturbing to some men.

But, SizeGenetics and Phallosan Forte are the tools that increase the penis size. And, these are the best devices available on the market with greater results.

Let’s dive deep into details of this comparison review of penis extender tools.

SizeGenetics vs Phallosan Forte


This is one of the best penis extender tools that is approved by the FDA. This device is popular for its long term results (both clinical and anecdotal). The penis extender is quicker, easier, and more powerful enlargement tool on the market.

This penis extender is also popular for increasing.

  • Micropenis Syndrome
  • Bend Penis Syndrome

This penis extender has got the ability to correct your curved penis and it’ll reward you more gains as you do so.

SizeGenetics Benefits

  • Increases Your Penis Size
  • Correct the Posture of Your Penis
  • Improves Erection
  • Controls Premature Ejaculation
  • Adjust Level of Stretching

By going through SizeGenetics Real Results you would get to know the real analysis of the product.

SizeGenetics Before and After Pictures

The testimonials from the real users and their results picture show the effectiveness of the device. The device yields as a boon for the users who were looking to extend their penis size.  Those users have extended their penis and are quite impressed with the product.

The users share their SizeGenetics Extender Before and After Results which is the outcome of high-quality material devices. You can check users Photos on the official website and other parts of the internet as well.

Phallosan Forte

The Phallosan Forte has undergone a variety of clinical tests and approved as a medical device that can help increase penis size, treat curvature problems, and improve stamina. It is also marketed towards men who have undergone prostate surgery, to help them during the recovery phase.

Phallosan Forte Ingredients

  • Increases penis length by up to 30% in just 6 months
  • Increases your penis girth by up to 20% in just 6 months
  • Prevent premature ejaculation
  • Get stronger erections

This device is potent to increase penis size by an inch or two to men and it is different from traditional penis extenders.

Let’s go through Phallosan Forte Before and After Pics to analyze this device better…

Phallosan Before and After Pictures

Phallosan Forte Results Before and After from the real users are available frequently on the official website. These results show that the product is pretty effective in enlarging penis size. And users don’t share feedbacks and pictures until they achieve the maximum benefits from the product. Moreover, in Phallosan Forte Before After Reviews, you can get to know what customers have exactly to say.

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